Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation (VM) was developed by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral.

Beneficial for

Comparative studies found Visceral Manipulation beneficial for various disorders such as:

  • musculoskeletal (sciatica, chronic spinal pain, post surgical scar tissue, somatic visceral, headaches and migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome etc)
  • women’s and men’s health (chronic pelvic pain, bladder incontinence, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis amongst other things)
  • acute injuries (whiplashes, seatbelt injuries, chest or abdominal sports injuries etc)
  • digestive disorders (reflux, bloating, constipation, GERD, SIBO)

How we help

Treatment is gentle and specific due to the delicate and often highly reactive nature of the visceral tissues. Furthermore, Visceral Manipulation works only to assist the forces already at work.

If you would like to know more, please book in to see our trained visceral manipulation physiotherapist, Natacha Flohr.