Pre-season and seasonal sport screenings

To assist social or competitive athletes in minimising injury risk, sports screenings have been implemented to identify muscle imbalances or strength deficits, altered or poor movement patterns,  decreased proprioception as well as to set a baseline for comparison in case of a significant injury. This baseline allows an athlete to identify areas that needs improving to perfect their performance as well as decreasing the risk of injury during the season.

How we help

Pre-season is the most essential aspect of preparing for the season ahead. Whether you’re preparing for cricket, football, golf, soccer or another sport, pre-season gives you the best chance to have a successful season ahead. North Kincumber Physiotherapy can provide you with the opportunity to be screened by trained health professionals at the right time, to give you the best chance to avoid injury in your upcoming season and have fun and success.

Our screenings allow patients to improve their movement pattern, strengthen the deficient muscle or muscle group or improve joint proprioception or stability, rather than waiting for pain to arise along with other problems which could slow your performance or stop you playing sport altogether.

We will be using our state of the art technology AxIT which gives you not only a comparison between both sides, but gives you a target based on your age, weight, height and gender. It looks at muscle strength, delay in activation, jump heights. Furthermore, we assess your range of movement, joint mobility, proprioception, etc.

The highly dedicated team at North Kincumber Physiotherapy are skilled and experienced in pre-season and seasonal sport screenings.